Surviving the First 5 Years in Business

Reaching five years in business is a major achievement. Learn some tried and true ways to reach this milestone and achieve long-term success.

Our efforts to extend our success are never-ending, and we have learned a lot over these past six years. Here are three of the big takeaways.

  • Do the work
    You may have a phenomenal product, great service offerings or own the best franchise of all time but it is important to have a good working strategy, a good team and know the customer to be able to offer your services.


  • Delegate
    Trust, but verify. If you hire someone to do a specific job, let them do it. By delegating certain tasks, you can free up your time to focus on strategic, revenue-generating tasks.


  • Be decisive
    You’re the boss, and that means making tough decisions. Sometimes you’ll get it right, sometimes you won’t. The last thing you should do is be indecisive. That can really hurt your business, especially when it comes to urgent problems.
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